Thursday, March 18, 2010

Homophobic US General Blames Srebrenica on Gay Dutch Soldiers

OK, my headline is a bit hyperbolic, but not by much:

Retired general: Gays made Dutch weak in Bosnia

Regarding the Srebrenica Genocide; there are many things for which we can hold the Dutch military at fault, but allowing gay Dutch citizens to serve their country in the military is not one of them.


Anonymous said...

It seems to me Gen. Sheehan is willing to misuse a genocide in his crusade against homosexuals in the army. I find it EXTREMELY disgusting.

It’s not hard to find facts about this. The soldiers in question did nothing to prevent the genocide (or even helped by separating men from women and children) because those were their orders. The area was to be ethnically cleansed in order to add it to Serbia.

Anonymous said...

Worked for a dutch owned international Co. at that time,(1995) would like to know if their government step down was the only thing they did , or dutch warned their international employees about e.g. Serb civilians attacking civil targets. ?
My mail

sarah correia said...

I agree with Amila. We should rather trace, first of all, the cause of the UNPROFOR failure in the resolutions, then in their restrictive interpretation, then down the ladder...

Regarding gay military, Israel has openly gay military, which totally disproves this crazy general 'theory' about openly gay military making the institituion become 'soft'.

He does have a point, however, when he mentions the illusion of absence of threat. There was, at this stage, a general unwillingness on the part of european governments to assume the burden of suffering any casualties. Chapter 7 missions were ok as long as they resembled summer pic-nics...

In fact the only strategic interest on UNPROFOR was to provide a training ground for the development of a common european policy for defense. This is why Britain and france had huge contingents there, despite their obstructive behaviour, which in the end benefited the serbs, as well as their efforts to keep the US out of Bosnia.

Anonymous said...

It all begs the question, how did someone that fatuous get to be a general?

Srebrenica Genocide said...

He was just cracking jokes.