Thursday, May 07, 2009

BiH makes effort to deal with Islamic extremists

In an encouraging development which suggests the government feels secure enough both in its legitimacy and in its ability to weather the negative publicity the enemies of a unified Bosnia and its Bosniak plurality will almost certainly exploit, the government of Bosnia is now making vigorous efforts to crack down on mostly-Wahhabi extremists left behind from the numerically relatively small but notorious mujahideen forces who disgraced the Bosnian cause by committing numerous atrocities in an attempt to hijack the Bosnian cause in the name of fundamentalism and global jihad.

Please see this article from the Southeast European Times for more details.


Srebrenica Genocide said...

Kirk, please raise awareness about the latest scandal. The U.N. Tribunal (ICTY) is destroying evidence of Srebrenica Genocide,

It's been confirmed.

Daniel said...

Efforts to fight Islamic extremism are well received among Bosnian Muslims. Most Bosniaks are secular or moderate Muslims. However, as in any country (even in the U.S. and Canada) there are extremist movements of people who preach wahabbism, which is extreme form of Islam. There are extreme forms of other religions too, but Islam also has its own share of imperfections that need to be attended to.

EL-MUJAHID said...

Let me make something clear to Daniel and the readers of this blog. "are well received among Bosnian Muslims" a load of rubbish, the Bosniak knows eho his enemy is and who are players."Most Bosniaks are secular or moderate Muslims." and how many a time has a small group defeated a big one. 140 years of foreign rule has done some damage, but nothing a little revivalism can't fix up."but Islam also has its own share of imperfections that need to be attended to." Islam is perfect and has no iperfections you ignorant fool. It came down from God to abolish the Jewish and Christian faith. If it was imperfect, then he the Lord All-Mighty has erred?? I think you have erred as you are an ignorant fool speaking so people can take notice. Anyways... This is a message from a Bosniak to you, neo-Roman servants. The Bosniaks have always been monotheists as they are the direct children of Abraham from his grandson Esau. The Greeks or the Romans after them could not conquer the Bosniak tribes of Illyria, nor could the Huns, the Goths, the Avars, the Alans, the Mongol-Tatars,the Iranian tribes of Serbs and Croats, the Ottomans, the Austro-Hungarians, the Yugoslavians, the communists and finally the Iranic Serbian aggressors with their Croat tribesman. Do you know why? Simply because Allah is the Great Overseer of Bosnian and He Alone is its Protector and Helper. After that, the Bosniak blood as a warrior's blood inherited from the land they dwell in and from the fathers Esau and the Hericlade as well as the Trojan warriors. It is prophesied that Rome and Constantinople will be conquered not by the Ishmalites but by the Issaciets. It has been a long dream to extend the borders of Islam into Evropa and the Bosniaks "Bordermen" will God willing do so soon enough. We have suffered three Crusades before Islam at the hands of the Catholics simply because we were Arius followers, than you hate us because we followed Muhammad. I say to you war is a mercy from God upon the Bosniaks, thats one thing we have perfected in our land over thousands of years. And with a superior belief, there will be no stopping us God willing until we open up mother Rome and bring it to her knees kneeling before God Alone. Filthy infidels....